ccr cispes foia


CCR CISPES FOIA is a coalition of organizations that promote human rights, social justice, and democracy worldwide. The coalition was formed in 1988, in response to the Salvadoran government's efforts to silence the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES). The coalition is composed of lawyers, activists, and organizations working together to promote government transparency and accountability.
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a federal law that provides the public with access to government records. The CCR CISPES FOIA coalition uses FOIA to obtain government documents related to human rights abuses, political surveillance, and other issues in countries around the world. These documents are then used to hold governments accountable for their actions and to promote transparency and democracy.


CCR CISPES FOIA works to promote government transparency and accountability by using FOIA to obtain government documents related to human rights abuses, political surveillance, and other issues in countries around the world. The coalition then uses these documents to hold governments accountable for their actions and to promote transparency and democracy.
CCR CISPES FOIA also works to raise public awareness about government policies and actions that impact human rights and democracy. The coalition organizes events, publishes reports, and engages with the media to promote its mission and to hold governments accountable.

Why Is CCR CISPES FOIA Important?

CCR CISPES FOIA plays a crucial role in promoting government transparency and accountability. The coalition's work helps to uncover government policies and actions that may be harmful to human rights and democracy. By obtaining and publicizing government documents, CCR CISPES FOIA helps to hold governments accountable for their actions and to promote transparency and democracy.


Q: How does CCR CISPES FOIA obtain government documents?

A: CCR CISPES FOIA uses Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to obtain government documents related to human rights abuses, political surveillance, and other issues in countries around the world.

Q: What kind of documents does CCR CISPES FOIA obtain?

A: CCR CISPES FOIA obtains a wide range of government documents related to human rights abuses, political surveillance, and other issues in countries around the world. These documents can include memos, reports, emails, and other records.

Q: How can I support CCR CISPES FOIA?

A: You can support CCR CISPES FOIA by making a donation, volunteering, or sharing information about the coalition's work with your friends and family.


CCR CISPES FOIA is a coalition of organizations that works to promote government transparency and accountability worldwide. By using FOIA to obtain government documents related to human rights abuses, political surveillance, and other issues, the coalition helps to hold governments accountable for their actions and to promote transparency and democracy. If you believe in human rights, social justice, and democracy, consider supporting CCR CISPES FOIA today.